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The Qatar Press Center holds its 12th meeting and approves its upcoming plans and activities

12 Jun 2024, 01:00 PM
المركز القطرى للصحافة

June 12, 2024:

The Board of Directors of the Qatar Press Center held its twelfth meeting today, Wednesday, at the center’s headquarters, where the members of the Board of Directors discussed a number of decisions, approved the plan for the next phase, and the schedule of events and activities. At the beginning of the meeting, the Council renewed its sincere condolences to the press and media community and to the families of the deceased Dr. Rabia bin Sabah Al Kuwari, and unanimously decided to name the center’s main training hall after him, and to issue a book that monitors his biography and his most prominent journalistic and academic contributions. Mr. Saad bin Mohammed Al Rumaihi, Chairman of the Board of Directors, briefed the members on the results of the Gulf Journalists Union meeting organized by the Center in Doha at the end of last April, and the accreditation of the Qatar Press Center as a member of the Union, representing the State of Qatar, adding that the procedures had begun to accredit the Center in the Union of Arab Journalists. The Council discussed a number of programmes, events and plans that the Center is working on, such as: the membership programme, and decided that membership should be available to all workers in the media field for a nominal fee, and in exchange for services provided by the Center to members. The Center has made great strides in working on the membership programme, and it is scheduled to be launched during The coming weeks. Members were informed of the latest developments in the website, which contains many sections, and the latest developments in website building techniques, as well as the mobile phone application. Mr. Sadiq Muhammad Al-Amari, Director General of the Center, presented a report on the activities, events, and book publications that took place in the past period. He also touched on the Center’s participation for the first time in the Doha International Book Fair through Dar Al Sharq, and reviewed the development of the Center’s platforms in social media, as the Center’s Instagram page achieved It has grown tremendously, reaching nearly 21,000 followers within 10 months and reaching 4 million accounts. The center’s page on the The Director General also touched on the Center’s production of 85 videos, publishing more than 300 press reports, and issuing 18 statements that varied between denouncing Israeli practices against fellow journalists and civilians in Gaza, as well as welcoming international resolutions that would put pressure on the Israeli occupation and punish it for what it is doing against Our Palestinian brothers. The Council expressed its sympathy for what journalists are exposed to in Gaza and all conflict areas, and declared its demand to spare media professionals and civilians and not to consider them as open targets for liquidation or assault in any way. The Council reviewed the developments in the work of the committees formed by the Center, such as the committees: Dictionary of Media Terms, Documentation of Journalism Pioneers, and Sports Journalism. The Council decided to participate in the upcoming Sports Day, and urged all colleagues in the media to attend this event.

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