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The uprising of American universities on the cover of “Time”

15 May 2024, 12:00 AM
المركز القطرى للصحافة

Doha - May 13, 2024:

A photo of American university students’ demonstrations in support of Palestine topped the cover of “Time” magazine, where the students appeared wearing the Palestinian “keffiyeh,” under the title: “Campus Intifada... Scenes from American Colleges.” The American magazine said in an extensive report on the demonstrations of American universities in support of the people of Gaza in the face of the Israeli aggression since October 7, 2023: American universities have not shown this enthusiasm for more than fifty years, despite the war that students protested against in the 1960s and 1970s. In the past, their lives were threatened even in light of the postponement of conscription. “Time” said: What prompted students to risk their safety and their academic future in hundreds of universities is the killing of 35,000 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip since Israel launched its retaliatory operations. The protesters' reference point, according to the magazine, is the 1980s campaign to divest from the apartheid regime in South Africa. In their campaign, aimed at what they see as financial complicity in Israel's actions, the activists - many of them wearing keffiyehs and living in sit-in tents - embody a generational gap previously only visible in opinion polls. Time confirmed that young Americans, who only knew Israel during its occupation of the West Bank and the siege of Gaza, are more inclined to the Palestinian cause than those of the elderly. She noted that the student demonstrations restored American universities to their position as the crucible through which the nation works to resolve its moral questions.


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